Dear Legal Wiz,

The owner of the land I am acquiring now, has passed away for more than twenty years now. I have the original title here with me. How can I get my name on the title, if so?



Dear Marlon,
Thank you for communicating with us. The information you provided is insufficient. There are requirements by law, and once met efficiently your name can be placed on the title. There are procedures that you must follow once you have all the information required. The first stage of information gathering requires you to have
– proof of ownership
– proof of interest — showing how qualified you are to have your name on the title for example by – -producing a will (which will need to be probated)
– updated survey (checks and balances against information on original title)
– completed forms such as transfer of title application
– identification
Actual work includes placing a notification of death title on existing title, probating the will, checking if any monies are outstanding, proof of no contestants for the property.
The process can be complicated, so we recommend that when you are ready, you consult or contract a lawyer or legal leg worker. Both can be accessed through the international team of legal leg workers on this site or via

All the best


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