QUESTION: Dear Legal Wiz,
I saw your article on ‘US Court orders sale of Jamaica house, but my ex is fighting,’ published June 18, 2012 I have a similar problem, but I live in Florida. My husband went to Jamaica and got the title, and is now threatening to sell the house that we share as joint tenants, without my consent. Following divorce proceedings, the US Court did order for him to only get a small sum if he didn’t fix up the Jamaica house within a year. That period of a year was four years ago. I need to stop him as he is using the title to borrow money and make arrangements to fix up and sell the house. He needs to also return the title.

Many thanks.

RESPONSE: Dear Tonia

Please go to the Courthouse in Florida, and file a motion of contempt. You will get a date to be heard by the Judge, and at that hearing you can present your case. The Judge will then decide on actions and orders such as for the return of title and follow up sale according to Court Order. You should also reopen the case, the fee for which is $US50.00.

REF TO: ‘US Court orders sale of Jamaica house, but my ex is fighting.’ (

You can take action in Jamaica, by lodging a caveat at the titles office, as well as you can take action through the Supreme Court using the Court Order from the US Court as support. For more information on forms and procedures on caveats please visit the relating link at the National Land Agency website at

To get further assistance or to secure an attorney through the legal leg work team, in Jamaica, please write again.

Legal Wiz


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