QUESTION: Dear Legal Wiz,
Good evening, I have a question pertaining to land in Jamaica…..My family has 10 acres of land in a rural part of Jamaica…We have the title, but need to cut a road and then divide the land in 4….Where can I go (or what office to contact) to have the road and the land divided into 4 new titles and how much or an estimate you think it may cost? Thanks so much for your time! Thanks,
Thanks for your patience. In response to your question, you will first need to secure the services of a land surveyor. That is provided you know how you wish to divide the land. The surveyor will measure and prepare a blueprint on your behalf of the total area detailing areas to be sectionalised with the layout suggestion of the road. This blueprint will then be used to make application to the Parish Council. You will then be advised accordingly. Please note that a fee is required to secure the land surveyor, as well as to make application to the Parish Council.
The cost, based on a number of factors such as location varies.
The legal legwork team can only give a costing for securing members to monitor the process on your behalf, once more details such as location, body of work needed is known.
Bear in mind that at any stage that an attorney is needed in any case being undertaken, it is referred to such person who is a member of our team, after further discussion.
All the best! Keep communicating.
Legal Wiz