What is real love? Where did it originate? Why do we need it and how do we show it? Is it shown from emotions or is it an automatic reaction? These are some of the questions asked as I speak with married couples. As an author, husband of twenty years, married to my beautiful wife Michelle, father and man after the heart of God, I have a deep passion for Marriage and Family. Life needs love for it to thrive successfully and so does marriage and family. This four-letter word has stuck with me and has become a part of me from childhood, learning from grandparents who have set the pace, being married for hundreds of years.
One powerful thing I have learned over my fifty years of life is that LOVE is not just a four-letter word, but a four-letter word put into action. There have been many instances wherein love had to cover a multitude of disappointments that life throws at us. Growing up in Jamaica without a dad was not easy but love allows for forgiveness from the heart, leading to freedom in the spirit to live a life pleasing to God. And what a wonderful life to live.
I migrated to the United States in 2001 without knowing an earthly father or even having a glimpse of where he could have been living. My mom, a great woman, along with my grandparents, were the steering wheel of my life prior to moving to the United States. It was not until my caring wife encouraged me to attempt to find my dad that I decided to reach out. It was only because of real love learned that I was able to pursue my dad. I would not have known about my five sisters and two brothers if I had not followed firstly, my wife and secondly, the love in my heart to seek out where my long-lost dad was. I could not believe that after almost thirty-nine years, I was connecting with my dad for the first time. It takes one of the most powerful attributes of real love, patience, to endure and pursue such a needed venture. Unforgiveness and bitterness are enemies of real love and would have blocked any attempt on my part to find my dad and siblings. I can attest to the fact that love really portrays GOD. God is love and He shows us every single second of the day when we really listen to him and seek him.
When 1st Corinthians 13: 4-8 is put into action whether, in marriage, family or just about any relationship, the joy, and peace that burst forth from such a relationship is like heaven on Earth. In my soon to released book ‘Love Disected’ 1st Corinthians 13:4-8 is broken down with hopes of encouraging everyone to show real love.
Love Is Patient:
In today’s world, love is spoken so much and lived so little. Man is deceived to think “I have no patience” when love is actually patient. The truth is, we all have patience but not all exercise patience.
Love Is Kind:
Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. A kind heart blurts out kind words from the mouth. An apology from the heart for an unkind word will change a dark cloud into bright sunshine in any relationship.
Love Does Not Envy:
Always remember your uniqueness in the eyes of the one who created you, God. There is a path and purpose for each human that is different from another so no need to be jealous or envious of another. Your lane will take you to your destiny if you only stay in it.
Love Does Not Boast and Is Not Proud:
Pride is a killer while humility kills the flesh that causes pride. Practicing humility actually causes your spouse or another to draw to you more, believe it or not. A boastful person actually gets exposed easily and typically loses the attention they seek eventually. Remain humble. Jamaicans say ‘humble calf suck the most milk.’
Love Is Not Self Seeking or Dishonor Others:
Self is important in the context of taking care of yourself but in a relationship, whether marital or other, self becomes secondary. Love is shown to the other person and vice versa. Yes, you must love yourself in order to love others but seeking love for self only disconnects the “one flesh” movement that God intends to keep the relationship intact. It is not possible to honor the other person while always honoring self.
Love Is Not Easily Angered and Keeps No Record Of Wrongs:
Yes, you will remember the wrong done but love allows you to dismiss the feeling of anger it would normally create inside of you. Love actually keeps no record of being wronged. Remembering the hurt is different from acting badly or revengeful out of the memory of the hurt. It is said that unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.
When all the above are practiced, and yes practiced, because it takes intentionality, every human being has the capability to rejoice in the truth and not delight in evil. They are able to always protect, always trust, always hope and always persevere. Love never fails!
I am truly glad for the full understanding of love and the ability to still love even my dad after not knowing or growing up with him. I thank God for His everlasting love that has brought me this far in life and more to go. You can experience the same or even greater journey when you allow God’s love to pour in and through you so you can pour it into your marriage, family and friends. It is truly the greatest of them all.
About The Author
Carim Hyatt was born and raised partially in Jamaica, West Indies. He is one of seven children from the Hyatt family and has grown into a great man of God. Carim had the luxury of seeing his grandparents model a Christian family life while portraying a marriage in God’s image. Carim had his mother in his life also and learned a great deal about values and wisdom.
Carim’s passion is marriage and family. He and his wife of twenty years, Michelle, are hosts of MARRIAGE IN A MINUTE, a brand new radio talk show reaching as far south as Miami and as far north as Orlando. He has authored two books, The importance of Salvation and Staying Married Becoming One Flesh. Carim is now on his third book, PURITY IN PREPARATION FOR MARRIAGE. His journey has taken him from Insurance adjuster to minister through writing and public speaking. Carim leads men’s ministries, married couples lifegroups, praise and worship along with many other areas of ministry as God has lead him. Carim and his beautiful wife Michelle have appeared on Television programs , namely TBN, speaking about marriage and family. He has been on various radio and TV stations in different parts of the country speaking and interviewing on the topic of marriage and family. He is a great motivator, mentor and loves the Lord with all his heart. His passion is to see every marriage go the long haul while being molded into God’s image.
Join Carim on this great journey as He reaches the unsaved for Christ while continuing to encourage marriages and families. Visit his website for updates.