QUESTION: Dear Legal Wiz,

I took six tenants to Court to get back my house. I didnt get to attend Court on the day I was told the trial was to take place. I went in the day after and the ladies at the front told me the case was struck out. They told me to get a lawyer, but I do not have the money and all they told me was that nobody showed up so the case was struck out. What do I do now to get back my house. Can you help me?

Graham Peters

RESPONSE: Dear Graham Peters

Legal aid clinics exist across Jamaica for a lesser fee that what an attorney will charge you. In your case, you need to refile your case. This means that you will need to start over the matter by doing over the documents and refiling them. Get another date and make sure you appear in court on all the given dates. For our team to assist, there will be a fee.

Legal Wiz


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