About the Book
A Sea of Wisdom, Island Proverbs takes you on a scenic journey through Jamaica, the Bahamas, St. Lucia, Antigua, Barbados, Cuba and the Turks and Caicos Islands, giving you a taste of their history, culture, languages and dialects. Each chapter unveils an intriguing mix of island proverbs that are sage, witty, funny and entertaining.

About the Authors
Ingrid Walter is an award winning journalist and communications specialist whose work experience spans politics, television, radio and print. Originally, from Jamaica, Ingrid is also known for her feature articles on Canadian and American icons as well as her thought-provoking opinion columns.

Sabina Theobalds has a Masters of Business Administration, with a specialization in International Business. Sabina, who was born in Montreal, Quebec, is of St. Lucian ancestry.

A Sea of Wisdom….my new friend, January 30, 2005
Reviewer: Audrey A. Burgess (San Francisco, CA, USA)

The Authors authenticate my Jamaicanness in speech, color, food and mood. A Sea of Wisdom is my new friend and I reach for it often to feel the Caribbean sea on my skin and taste the spices, to smell the burning cane fields and see the blue mountains blooming coffee, guinep, breadfruit, naseberry and rose apple trees…aaahhh.

Being transported so suddenly to my childhood memories from the humor and appeal of reading a Sea of Wisdom on my morning commute, has really opened my eyes to the simplicity of the wisdom of the proverbs, which are still meaningful today in this beautiful city of San Francisco, I now call ‘Home’.

Growing up in a paradise like Jamaica is an unforgettable experience which is usually lost to my everyday life consciousness while living in a modern, vibrant American city. It is so spiritually and psychologically delicious to see my native language in print…

Audrey Burgess, SF, CA

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