Learn how to make a comforting roasted tomato and bacon soup, perfect for those cold nights. Award winning cookbook author Chris De La Rosa of ChrisDeLaRosa.com will show you how simple it is to make a tasty roasted tomato and bacon soup, with simple step by step instructions.

for this roasted tomato and bacon soup you’ll need…

6 large tomatoes
2 scallions
2 large cloves garlic
3 cups chicken broth
sea salt
black pepper
2 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 lb bacon
2 tablespoon chopped parsley
1/2 teaspoon pimenton (hot smoke paprika)
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1 birds eye pepper (optional – any hot pepper)

More tomato based soups:

Roasted tomato, peppers and coconut soup:

Roasted tomato and rice soup:

More Caribbean recipes can be found at http://www.caribbeanpot.com

Get my Gourmand Award winning cookbook, The Vibrant Caribbean Pot – 100 Traditional And Fusion Recipes Vol 2 @ http://www.CaribbeanPot.com/book/ or Amazon @ http://www.amazon.ca/Vibrant-Caribbean-Traditional-Fusion-Recipes/dp/0992050502

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To learn more about Chris De La Rosa, you can visit http://www.ChrisDeLaRosa.com