I am saddened by the death of Whitney Houston. I mourn her loss like a sister. I have heard the words “tragedy” and “what a waste “so much in the last five days. I do not share either sentiment. I am not worried about how she died. And her life was certainly not a waste. Her time to leave the earth plane came.

I am so grateful for how she lived. She had a voice like none I have heard before and hundreds of years from now the world will still play her songs. They were all perfect. She hit every note – high and low. It was reported that the day after her death, Oprah Winfrey described Whitney Houston this way,”When we heard Whitney, it was like hearing the voice of God”. Whitney Houston was no different than the rest of us, except she sang like the voice of God:

I broke my heart for every gain

To taste the sweet, I faced the pain

I rise and fall yet through it all

This much remains

I want one moment in time

When I’m more than I thought I could be

When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away

And the answers are all up to me

Give me one moment in time

When I’m racing with destiny

And in that one moment of time

I will feel, I will feel eternity

She had her moment in time multiple times over in the 48 years she existed in that physical body we called Whitney. Her soul like ours is eternal. Her life like ours will continue eternally. What a privilege to have existed in the same era as she did. I feel truly blessed.

Now “seize your moment in time, your finest day is yet unknown”. 


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