We asked our Facebook fans who would win a Jamaican food fight between Soursop vs Pomegranate (pranganat). Here are the results and what some of what our fans wrote. Feel free to add your own comments.

Vote count:
Soursop   –  50%
Pomegranate (pranganat)  –  50%

Selected Comments:

J James – Soursop, everytime!

C Davis – depends, both are excellent but mayb the Pomegranate would get the edge for benefits

D Bailey – Pomegraate especially when they are super ripe

D Cataudella – Sour sop has been studied and has anti-inflammatory and cancer fighting properties. More so than the pomegranate which is high in antioxidants.

A Gilman – soursop! specially when ya make it into a nice juice!

D Crawford – I’m American and half jamaican pomegranate win’s I think

Contact us about the Jamaican food fight you would like to see. Be sure to check out our Facebook fan page.
