Send us your press release & announcements

Send us your press release to: [email protected]. Please specify the topic of your press release/announcement in the subject line of your email and it must include a clean photo. Here are the requirements/editorial guidelines and tips to submitting press releases to us. If your press release does not meet our requirements/editorial guideline it will not be published.

  • Send the press release in the body of the email. Copy and paste it from your document into the email body. Do not send a PDF or Word Document.
  • Send a clean photo representing the event (a past event photo(s) can be used or a stock photo(s) that portrays the announcement/press release). There shall be no text overlays or watermark on the photo. We do not accept event fliers. 
  • Photo image formats we accept are jpg and png. The minimum photo image size is 800 pixels wide by 600 pixels high.
  • Please limit the image file name to A-Z, a-z, 0-9, underscore ( _ ) and hyphen ( – ). Do not include special characters including comma (,) and period (.)
  • If your press release does not include a photo it will not be published.
  • Send the photo as an email attachment.
  • Be sure to include the story in the press release. Here is an example of a press release we published –

Here are some great sites with tips on writing press releases
