Do you know someone Jamaican or of Jamaican descent that we should feature on If you would like to share your Jamaican experiences, stories, pictures and memories, wants to help you bring your story to the world. If you would like to do a monthly series/article let us know. We’re looking for honest, real life accounts that will depict our rich Jamaican culture. Please do not send articles that contain foul language or or likewise unacceptable for children. Be sure to read our “Article and Photo Submission Policy”. Submit Your Story Below. Please email all pictures as an attachment.
- Stories or articles should be a minimum of 400 words and no longer than 1,000 words.
- Please keep it fairly clean. We will edit appropriately.
- If your article has pictures please email it to us as an attachment.
- Compliments are appreciated. Flames and insults will be deleted!
- Be patient! We’ll get your stories or articles posted as soon as possible!
- Our policy is to print your name, but not list your e-mail address, to stop any SPAM-gathering spiders sweeping the site. If you do want your e-mail address printed, please tell us in the submission form Below.
Here is a list of Article ideas. Your articles can be informative and/humorous. Email us your articles
- Pictorials or an event or trip
- Trip reports on events you attended in Jamaica. – See list of events here
- Your travel tips for other visitors to Jamaica.
- Your experience living as an expat in Jamaica
- Your experience living as a Jamaican living as an expat abroad
- Your experience as a Jamaican living abroad
- Your experience as a Jamaican traveling abroad on vacation
- Hidden places to visit in Jamaica
- Intercultural marriages – Having a Jamaican spouse and how your bridge the culture
- TV in Jamaica – Your memories of the show, commercials etc.
- Typical Jamaica family – Especially for children doing research – What is a typical family and habits etc.
- Going to the movies – Memories of Carib and Regal morning movies, Karate movies, customs at the movie etc.
- Driving in Jamaica – Your experiences, the skills you need, the potholes, the narrow roads etc.
- Memories of School in Jamaica – Customs at school, mannerisms, curriculum, classroom, playtime, sports day, inter-school competitions, etc.
- Crocodiles on Jamaica’s Black River, Stories of other animals
- The mini bus ride – Riding the bus in Jamaica, the packed bus, the driving, the pickpocket experience etc.
Share these images with others who may be interested in sharing their stories.
Photo Source: Derek Torsani