Sweetsop has been used in Jamaica for generations in folk medicine remedies for a wide range of health-related conditions. Modern day homeopathic practitioners do the same and one of the tools in their arsenal is sweetsop. It’s also known as sugar apple due to its pulp that’s sweet and similar to the consistency of custard.

The sweetsop is cultivated in tropical climates that includes Jamaica. It’s a healthy addition to any diet and has a pleasing fragrance. The round to oblong fruit is about the size of a tennis ball and has flesh that’s white to light yellow in color. The skin changes from green to a pale whitish-green as it matures.

The fruit is always consumed raw and never cooked, though it’s often added to milk or ice cream for a cool and refreshing beverage. Many people are adding it to their favorite smoothies for an energy boost. It’s rich in vitamins, trace minerals, and antioxidants. Be aware that the seeds are toxic and should never be eaten.

The following are 12 benefits of sweetsop of which many individuals aren’t aware.

  1. The vitamin C content of sweetsop is equal to that of an orange.
  2. A high concentration of amino acid in the blood increases the risk of heart disease. The elevated levels of vitamin B6 and magnesium in sweetsop aid in mitigating that risk.
  3. Sweetsop is packed with vitamin C and riboflavin that can address poor vision, macular degeneration, and night blindness.
  4. A powder made of unripe sweetsop can be mixed with coconut water or oil, and made into a paste that’s effective for treating head lice. It nourishes and moisturizes hair, stimulates hair follicle growth, and prevents scalp inflammation, dandruff, and flakiness.
  5. The fruit contains multiple antioxidants that aid in neutralizing free radicals that damage DNA and are responsible for signs of lines, wrinkles, and premature aging. It also works to remove toxins from the body.
  6. Regular use of sweetsop moisturizes skin, promotes skin cell rejuvenation, and stimulates the production of collagen for greater elasticity. It’s equally beneficial for minimizing brown spots and skin discolorations.
  7. Those that want to lose weight can utilize sweetsop due to its high fiber content that helps people feel fuller longer so they eat less. The fiber assists in regulating the digestive system and regular elimination.
  8. The fruit’s iron content helps prevent anemia and aids in replenishing lost vitamins and minerals lost during menstruation. It’s beneficial for pregnant women to prevent neural defects and for lactating women to increase milk production.
  9. It reduces inflammation to address bronchial problems such as asthma, along with arthritis.
  10. Sweetsop has more potassium than bananas for heart health, addressing high blood pressure, and lowering cholesterol.
  11. Sweetsop aids in absorbing excess sugar in the body.
  12. The magnesium content in Jamaican sweetsop assists the body in maintaining a normal fluid and electrolyte balance.

Benefits of Sweetsop - PIN

Photo – Deposit Photos
