Acerola cherry, also known as Jamaican cherry, is well-known for its many health benefits. It’s not a true cherry, but it does produce dark purple, marble-sized berries similar to cherries. The Jamaican cherry is rich in vitamin C, A and antioxidants which has earned it a reputation as a superfood. While the fruit makes a tasty treat eaten raw, it’s more commonly enjoyed as a juice or in jams and syrups.
Brain Food
Jamaican cherries contain high levels of anthocyanins that improve brain function and aid in protecting against cognitive disorders and memory loss.
Vitamin C is a well-known antioxidant that helps neutralize free radicals in the body that causes damage at the cellular level. One cup of acerola cherries has 1,700mgs of vitamin C and individuals can safely consume up to 2,000mgs. of vitamin C per day. The vitamin C in Jamaican cherry is also more easily absorbed than the synthetic ascorbic acid utilized in many mass-produced food products.
Immune System
Jamaican cherry is an excellent way to boost immune system function. The fruit’s vitamin C content supports cellular functions that work as protection against pathogens that includes bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites.
Youthful Skin
The body produces collagen that gives skin elasticity and a youthful appearance, along with elastin, a protein that forms connective tissue. People produce less of both as they age and its of a poorer quality. Vitamin C boosts the production of both. The fruit is an astringent which can aid in the reduction of acne. Research at Brown University in the U.S. found that people with high vitamin A levels had a 17 percent reduction in the risk of developing skin cancer.
Organ Function
Jamaican cherry also contains vitamin A the body needs for reproduction and vision. The vitamin is responsible for helping the organs of the body function properly and bone health.
Photo – Deposit Photos