Jamaica already dominates on the world stage when it pertains to our athletes and our music but now the island will have a chance to excel on the international scale in another area entirely, Comedy! Jamaica has the opportunity to bring peace to the world through Laugh Factory’s “The Funniest Person in the World” competition and help our very own Christopher Johnny Daley win the grand prize of $100,000 USD.
This year 56 countries are participating from around the world, with 89 comedians competing for a space in the Grand Finale from December 4th to December 10th in Helsinki, Finland – which was recently named “One of the Happiest Countries on Earth”.
The actor, comedian, radio and TV personality – Christopher Johnny Daley – is quite elated to have been selected by Laugh Factory to represent Jamaica in this global comedy competition. Since the launch of its flagship club in Hollywood in 1979, the Laugh Factory has established itself as the leader for worldwide comedy tours, television shows, and movies. The Laugh Factory channel has over 210 million viewers.
“It’s a tremendous honor as a comedian and a Jamaican to get this opportunity. When I got the call that the video I submitted was approved and I was officially a contestant; I knew that I have to bring my A game to this competition because it can put me and Jamaica on the international comedic map!” Chris shared
Christopher Johnny Daley is no novice to stand up comedic performances and has delivered well received sets in the Caribbean, US and UK over the years; including opening for US comedic talent David Mann for his Brooklyn College event in New York. He also had a successful Jamaican staging of his first local one-man-show set called ‘Johnny LIVE’ earlier this year; this is the style Johnny intends to employ to win the Laugh Factory Competition this year.
“First I need to make it to the finals so I can really get to represent Jamaica on the big stage. Everyone with a phone, an iPod, a tablet or a computer please vote for Johnny from Jamaica so I can make it to the final 20! I promise to make you all proud” Johnny added
Go to LaughFactory.com/fpiw and scroll down to Jamaica to vote for Christopher Johnny Daley on his quest to become, “The Funniest Person in the World”, voting continues until October 2 2016.
Visit www.laughfactory.com/fpiw Scroll down to Jamaica, Watch and like the video for Christopher Johnny Daley! Keep on viewing and liking on all your devices and share for your friends to do the same! Get Johnny to Helsinki to represent Jamaica to spread peace through laughter. Vote✅Vote✅vote✅ @chrisjohnnydaley @indichallenge #indi_7fz64