The fantabulous Tessanne Chin has proved herself to not just be talented, beautiful and gracious; she’s now gone and become a philanthropist on top of it! In our one on one interview with her, we asked what she intends to do with this new international platform she’s secured for herself… other than sing her heart out. In true diva fashion, she said “Exactly what I’m doing right now”. Madame Goodaz is referring to this weekend’s performance where on Saturday, February 1, she will have graced the ears of donors and attendees at Food For the Poor’s fundraising gala. The goal at this event is to raise funds to build 50 new homes in Haiti, in addition to the 4,364 homes Food for the Poor has already built since the earthquake. Tessanne visibly beamed with pride, telling us how much it meant to her to be a part of making it all happen.
Visiting their headquarters in Coconut Creek opened our eyes to a number of pride inspiring facts, including that Food For the Poor is the largest international relief organization in the US, that it was started in Jamaica in 1982, and that its sole objective is to serve the poor and underprivileged in the Caribbean and Latin American region. They’ve got a ton of programs from fishing village, to fruit tree, to aquaculture, even aside from their mainstay of feeding and clothing millions.
There was so much goodness in the air, we almost got distracted from our primary objective – getting into the head of Jamaica’sVoice. We had a good and thorough 30 minute chit chat. There was some singing and some laughter. Of course we’ll share all of that with you in short order. But right now, Tessanne Chin wants all our readers to know how they can help with the rebuild efforts. She has requested that you all please kindly visit and donate. 
Tell them sent you 😉 and stayed tuned for our with Tessanne


  • Calibe Thompson

    Jamaican born TV host, producer and director Calibe Thompson is Head Dread at Blondie Ras Productions, creators of “Taste the Islands”, “The Caribbean Diaspora Weekly”, “Miami Fitness TV” and other terrestrial and web based series broadcast regionally throughout the Caribbean, US and Canada. She is also an opinion columnist for the South Florida Times, voiceover professional and on-camera personality. Thompson’s mission is to continue to showcase the best of Caribbean culture to the wider world.

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