Do all your Jamaican friends laugh at you every time you open your mouth and try to speak Jamaican? Jamaicanize your vocabulary here with our words that start with X-Y-Z
If you don’t see a term, tell us and we’ll put it up


X-amount: used to describe any amount.


ya man: yes man, a term used to describe something being just fine or ok. May sound like “Ya Mon”. Be warned that this term may be seen as a negative sterotype by many Jamaicans.
yahso: right here
yard: home, also to Jamaicans living aboard it means Jamaica
yardie: some one who is Jamaican, jamaican by birth. Similar to the British citizens being called Brits.
yello: yellow
yuh: you
yush: hello, similar to the slang yo
yute: youth
yow: hello, similar to the slang yo

zeen: understand (question or statement)
zern: a variation of the term zeen. It has the same meaning
zutopong: someone who low class
zutopeck: zutopong
