Jamaican-born attorney Wayne Golding was recently elected as the new representative on the Jamaica Diaspora Advisory Board for the Southern United States. He will serve as a facilitator and community diplomat for the Jamaican Diaspora in the Southern USA region covering 13 states. Here is our conversation with attorney Wayne Golding about his new role and the Jamaican Diaspora.
Congrats on your election.
Thank you. The participation was quite encouraging. The election or what I would rather call Selection is over what is very clear to me is that and we as Jamaican Diaspora in the South Eastern USA region are all on the same page moving foreword. I am quite anxious about having the opportunity to utilize the skill and talents of those persons and and Organizations in our region to help this region further enhance their role in their own communities and in Jamaica.
What will be your main goal in this role for your constituencies?
I will be making a paramount effort to reach out across the 13 states which fall under the southern region to inform them specifically about how they can get more succinctly] organized to access resources to support their objective both in their local communities and in Jamaica. I will also be introducing and providing information on a formal mechanism by which our diaspora community can publish and share both their heralded and unheralded talents and skill which will be practically applied in their own community and Jamaica’s nation building.
Many in the Jamaican community abroad are skeptical of the Jamaica Diaspora Movement. I have heard comments like “this is a way to get Jamaicans abroad to send more money in Jamaica, this is an exclusive club for middle class Jamaicans living abroad, they just hold conference each year for people to get on a soapbox”. What will you do to change this perception and get all Jamaicans in the Diaspora involved?
I will be the first to recognize that there is confusion on the role of the Jamaica Diaspora Board member and there are skeptic arguments made with regard to the movement. One of the first order of business will definitely be embarking on an educational campaign and outreach to Jamaicans from all walks of life in our region. The one thing I will emphasize in any conversation in which I am engaged about the role of the Jamaica Diaspora Movement is that the engagement cannot only about being skeptical or critical. The complete conversation must embrace a realistic and practical solution to the issue being discussed and most importantly, the resources to implement the proposed solution.
Does the word “Diaspora” provide a challenge to explain?
No it does not. In the context of out movement and our region, it simply means I am Jamaica, you are Jamaica. Even though we a physically out of the country, our hearts and minds are still there and we have the desire to help build the nation whether collectively or singularly. We all are duty bound to give back to our communities here where our houses are located and to Jamaica where our home forever will be.
You have been involved in the Jamaica Diaspora Movement for many years now. Can you name a list of accomplishments that you have seen this movement produce?
There are many tangible and intangible accomplishments.
- Over the years we have galvanize many like minded Jamaicans in the diaspora in a more succinct manner.
- We are now able to liaison with each other in the diaspora in a more fluid manner and informed manner.
- We are now able to identify much easier than years gone by and additionally tap into Jamaica’s human capital in the diaspora. We are able not just to highlight their accomplishments but can partner much easier than years gone by with those in Jamaica and other regions to participate in Jamaica’s nation building.
- There is now an opportunity to communicate directly with the Government of Jamaica on issues of concern to the diaspora. We have seen an appreciable and more concerted effort by the Government to address diaspora concerns on a priority basis. It is however a work in progress.
You are one of many Jamaican Diaspora representatives across the world. Is there a cohesive goal for the Diaspora that people can rally around?
We are standing on the shoulders of giants but we have been a little stagnated but it is not for a lack of the efforts of individuals in the Diasporas.
In our own individual diaspora communities we must organize in an accountable manner so that we can tap into and take advantage of the resources which are available. This is essential in giving us give us a stronger and more credible single powerful voice to speak in our communities and in Jamaica.
Thanks for your time and all the best in this new role. Do you have any closing thoughts?
We are looking for solutions…and resources to implement these solutions. I look forward to working will Jamaicans from all walks of life in all thirteen states and beyond. Together we can accomplish what I know to be the single minded objective we all share and that is positively impacting Jamaica’s nation building.
For more information on Wayne Golding visit – https://www.facebook.com/waynegolding2014