Oscar-winning animated feature “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” tells the story of an African-American/Puerto Rican teenager from Brooklyn Miles, and participating in the success of the film is Jamaican-American rapper Shameik Moore as the voice of the lead character. The filmmakers praised his fresh and unique interpretation of the character of Peter Parker

Shameik Moore’ comes from a family of Jamaicans. His career began with small roles in Tyler Perry’s House of Payne, Reed Between the Lines, and Joyful Noise. He had his first major television role in 2013 on the series Incredible Crew, which aired on the Cartoon Network. He was recognized for his work as Malcolm in the film Dope in 2015 at the Sundance Film Festival. He was singled out for as one of the festival’s “breakouts” for his performance. He also had a male lead role in the series The Get Down from Netflix in 2016.

The Oscar for Best Animation Feature Film was presented to the makers of to “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” at the 91st annual Academy Awards ceremony on February 24, 2019. With its taking of the top honor, the film added to its already prestigious list of achievements that included winning numerous other awards such as Best Animation Feature at the BAFTAs, and top awards at the Golden Globes and at the animation industry Annies This film was also successful at the box office, earning $358.7 million worldwide, including $183.8 million in the United States. The animated feature was also a critical success, with critics calling it “a wildly imaginative adventure” and a “sublime re-imagining” of the reliable franchise.

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