About the Book:
This is a personal memoir that gives authenticity to social issues of love and relationships, single life, single parenting, jealousy, courage, envy, independence, coping skills, retirement and money. The Tender Side of Me chronicles Simpson’s fast paced roller coaster life to one that has finally found balance. Many will be inspired by her achievements, her boldness and her penchant for excellence and might be equally moved by her challenges and her ability to land on her feet.

Both men and women should enjoy this spirited journey that has earned accolades of a ‘woman’s bible’ and ‘a compass for young women especially.’ The reviews have spoken, and readers have been inspired by the courage and passion of a life well lived by this single Jamaican woman. Her sense of purpose cannot be missed neither her deep-rooted wit and humour that she has skillfully used to put the necessary spin on life and its challenges.

Excerpt from the Conclusion:
“So I am in my comfort zone. It is where I am comfortable in my skin, where I am at peace but not complacent. I am operating from a position of wisdom and strength. I am able to pivot to greater horizons, to embrace higher human ideals, to be of value to others, to inspire, to love and to be loved. I know my destiny and that gives clarity to my life. I stand poised but humble, passionate but not unbridled. I am weathering with grace. This is a quiet place where I can be detached, but not too far.
I watch from a distance and I am more mindful of human imperfections and I feel real. I’ve completed the first half of my life with a sense of accomplishment, and despite the disappointments, I am still pursuing my passion, and I never get weary. Indeed, I have lost only what man can take from me.”

An Astounding Reality of Triumphs! – A real life story told with an astounding reality of triumphs! A book that will touch your soul and give you invigorating inspirational insights full of integrity, compassion and honour! Joanne Simpson holds a special key in unlocking herself and tackling obstacles with her most treasured gift of determination. She leaves no stone unturned and just when readers think they can take a breather, there lies another lesson of life just ahead. I highly recommend this book as a life resource to anyone who wants to be a success. A story that teaches you not just how to win the fight, but also how to win the battle through the grace of God. -  Tempie Delois Williams (Author of ‘Feelings’ )

About the Author
Joanne Simpson is a highly regarded Jamaican author and publisher who has captured public attention since she entered the literary field in 1999.
A trained communicator and student of history, Simpson has used her knowledge, her keen sense of people and unmistakable wit, to pen books that have made an indelible mark in the minds of her readers.

A shrewd observer of the ‘goings on’ in society and bold enough to call it as she sees it, her books continue to be hot sellers for readers at all levels across the globe.

In her landmark publication, ‘The Jamaican Woman: A Celebration’ she uses the accomplishments of 200 outstanding Jamaican women to provide a historical and positive reference point for young women. In ‘Why Heritage,’ she bridges the links between the nation’s past and present. She tried her hand at satire in ‘Only in Jamaica,’ making light of the peculiar situations that led to the financial meltdown in Jamaica during the 1990s. ‘Smooth Runnings’ a crash course in Jamaica’s culture was written to socialize the visitor into the ways of the Jamaican, bridging the gap and smoothing out the bumps and curves that may exist between diverse cultures.

For the children, Simpson took the popular folklore character Anancy into the 21st Century in ‘Anancy and the Christmas Bimmer’ to show the merit in good behavior. She also provides lessons on Jamaica’s heritage in ‘My Jamaican Colouring book.’ ‘Dear Mr. Jesus’ points to the diverse realities facing Jamaica’s children, and how far the country has progressed in meeting the criteria of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
She wraps up her major life experiences in ‘The Tender Side of Me,’ in a fervent wish to inspire her readers to also reflect on their own lives. In 2012, Simpson will launch a historical treatise mapping Jamaica’s performance and achievements as an independent nation in, “Shining Through”—in Celebration of Jamaica’s 50th Anniversary of Independence, which she envisions will be her most significant work yet.

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