Tammy Gammon is a multidisciplinary artist whose Afro-Caribbean work explores themes of women of color, abstract expressionism, stylized mandalas, and bright colors.

Gammon migrated to the United States at the age of 17 to Miami, FL.  A graduate of Florida International University; with a  Bachelor’s Degree in English completed in 2000, Tammy Gammon also pursued a Graduate Degree in Human Resource Management from Keller Graduate School.  Ms. Gammon spent over 20 years in Education and Operations Management.

Her influences from Jamaican, Cuban, and Haitian cultures translate with watercolors, acrylic, and ink on canvas.

Tammy Gammon Jamaican Artist and Designer - Swimsuit
Actress Tabitha Brown wearing a Tammy Gammon Swimsuit

In 2004 she relocated to Atlanta, GA. Her work can be found in a wide ethnic variety of homes in The United States, Jamaica, and the Caribbean.

Gammon lives and works from her studio in Atlanta and has three amazing sons who are her greatest inspiration and creative muse.

What part of Jamaica are you from?

Did you go to school to learn to paint?
No, I am self-taught

Tell us about the bag Collection’?
”The Phoenix” is my rebirth! After my home caught on fire in January 2020, I was left starting from scratch with my ideas and processes. The Phoenix embodies us a people of Caribbean Diaspora being strong and resilient-” Tun wi han’ me fashion”

Prime Minister Andrew Holness and Tammy Gammon Jamaican Artist and Designer
Tammy Gammon with Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness

Your bags have been trending on “Jamaican facebook”.  Has it led to any great opportunities?
I have been a part of the Caribbean Cultural Arts’ weekly ”Solis” promoting Art in the Caribbean and the reopening of the Caribbean. I have also been supplying boutiques and other companies with my signature bags and branding/design services.

What criteria do you use when designed a bag?
Color*Space to paint*Functional

Tammy Gammon with Jamaican Actor and Comedian Oliver Samuels
Tammy Gammon with Jamaican Actor and Comedian Oliver Samuels

Alrene Richards Barr with Tammy Gammon Jamaican Artist and Designer

Who would you love to see in your designs?
Tabitha Brown, Yendi Phillips, Tami Chin, and Lizzo. I would love to see my bags in all airports and/or stores in the Caribbean. I want to become a household name in the Caribbean.

Which designers do you love?
Michael Kors and Kate Spade.

Prime Minister Andrew Holness and Tammy Gammon Jamaican Artist and Designer
Tammy Gammon with Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness

When did you first fall in love with bag design and fashion? I fell in love with ART 7 years ago (even though I did art at Wolmer’s Girls). Fashion and design came 3 years ago.

Any upcoming projects?
Bridal Fashion show in Miami in November-Sponsored by Jamaica Tourist Board. A few local art shows. Solo Art Show in Spring 2021

Any tips for aspiring bag designers?
Choose designs that you love. Paint from your heart and always be unique with your designs.

What is the strangest thing your friends will say you do?
”Bwoy, you just don’t give up”

A phrase you use far too often?
”Delayed does not mean denied!”

Alrene Richards Barr with Tammy Gammon Jamaican Artist and Designer

In a nutshell, what is your philosophy?
Whatever you do, do it to the best of your ability.

Any final comments?
I am grateful that my line of wearable art has expanded to bags! I am still working on commission canvas art pieces and designing more items for Fall 2020.

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