United States Citizens:
All visitors, 16 years and older, must present a valid passport (or a passport that has expired for a period not exceeding one year provided that US immigration will re-admit such person on the expired passport) or an original birth certificate (with raised seal), naturalization certificate, or certificate of citizenship along with a valid, state-issued photo ID. No visa is required for tourists and tourists are allowed to visit the island for a period not exceeding six months. Underage (16 and younger) must present an original birth certificate (with raised seal) and a valid photo ID such as a school ID. All documents must bear the same name. Residents may use an alien registration card, however some residents may require a visa. Contact a JTB office for more information.

Canadian Citizens:
All visitors, 16 years and older, must present a valid passport (or a passport that has expired for a period not exceeding one year provided that Canadian immigration will re-admit such person on the expired passport) or a “Statement of Live Birth” certificate with valid government issued photo ID. No visa is required for tourists and tourists are allowed to visit the island for a period not exceeding six months. Underage (16 and younger) must present an original birth certificate (with raised seal) and a valid photo ID such as a school ID. All documents must bear the same name. Residents may use an alien registration card, however some residents may require a visa. Contact a JTB office for more information.

UK Citizens:
Commonwealth citizens need passports (no visa is required).

Japan Citizens:
Passport required. Visa is required for stays of over 30 days.

All other countries:
Visit the Embassy of Jamaia Website for requirements for other countries.

Sources: Jamaica Tourist Board
