Camp in a bamboo forest, take a walk through a mahogany woods, or hike in an old-growth cocoa forest and explore ancient ruins you find there. All this and more is offered at the 45-acre Highland Estate in Westmoreland. Your visit will convince you that Christopher Columbus was right when he called Jamaica “the fairest land his eyes have ever seen.” There are cool breezes and spectacular views at this farm, which also offers guided birding adventures and many opportunities to reconnect with nature and take a break from the fast-paced modern world. Perfect for families of all sizes.

About 365 Things to Do, See and Eat in Jamaica
Jamaica has so many unique foods, places and events to offer. These things are often missed by visitors to Jamaica and even locals. Our goal is to have you try new things and see what Jamaica has to fully offer with something to do 365 days of the year. Please note that these are all our opinions and we are always open to suggestions.

Photo Source: Highland Estate

