The exact date of construction of the Flat Bridge in St. Catherine is unknown, it was likely built after 1724 and was described in a 1774 History of Jamaica by Edward Long. During its construction, the 16 plantations in the region of Bog Walk had to send one slave out of every 50 to work on the River Road, which is sometimes called Sixteen Mile Walk. The slaves working on the road often died performing dangerous tasks in the Gorge. The “flat” bridge, one of the oldest in Jamaica, is made of planks on a frame of timberwork resting on two piers and two buttresses that project out from the river banks. Piles and braces interlaced with masonry compete the structure. The floor of the bridge was washed away between 1881 and 1915, and it was re-floored with the iron girders and buckle plates taken from the original floor of the May Pen Bridge.

About 365 Things to Do, See and Eat in Jamaica
Jamaica has so many unique foods, places and events to offer. These things are often missed by visitors to Jamaica and even locals. Our goal is to have you try new things and see what Jamaica has to fully offer with something to do 365 days of the year. Please note that these are all our opinions and we are always open to suggestions.

Photo Source: Alex Morrissey

