The establishment of a well needed pathology laboratory in the southern region through a partnership between the Southern Regional Health Authority and the Lions Club of Mandeville is an example of an effective public private partnership which Minister of Health, Dr. Fenton Ferguson said is encouraging.

“I believe in public private/partnerships because they allow for a win-win situation. Oftentimes we speak of public-private partnerships but we do it in the context of it sounding good but if you look at our economic environment with limited fiscal space, it is the partnership that will make the difference” Minister Ferguson said.

The Health Minister was speaking at the Lions Club of Mandeville launch of their annual “Men Who Cook” charity event which will raise some of the funds for the establishment of the lab. The launch was held on Wednesday, April 15 at the Lions Club Health and Civic Centre in Mandeville.

The southern region does not have a pathology lab and its establishment will provide critical histopathology lab services to the parishes of Clarendon, Manchester and St. Elizabeth which the Minister said will assist with the turn-around time of getting diagnostics done.

The Minister also gave his full support to the project and said he would make representation to hasten the time of completion for the lab.
