On Monday, December 7, The City of Miami partnered with Digital Mind State to present “I Am Digital: Future of Miami Conference”, a unique one-day event that focused on key drivers reshaping the landscape of tomorrow’s workforce. The conference identified fundamental job skills that are projected by the year 2020 and beyond. Opened and presented with a proclamation from the City of Miami by Mayor Tomas Regalado, guest speakers included the City of Miami Chief of Police, Department of Parks and Recreation, Felecia Hatcher Pearson from Code Fever and Ricardo Mesquita from The Lab Miami, to name a few.
The event coincided with Mayor Regalado designating December 6 -11 as I Am Digital Literacy Week. “The workforce of tomorrow is going to be based on today’s education. The Future of Miami conference will focus on the key factors reshaping work and how education will be the key to meet those changes,” stated the Mayor.
Based in Los Angeles, Digital Mind State is a leader in the education of digital programing. With a focus on future work skills, education and government needs, job-related competencies were the centerfold of the conference. “The connected world, smart machines, the rise in automation replacing humans with robots is happening now, work as we know it is being redefined. Government and educational institutions must embrace this change and put the necessary steps in place to adapt,” says Mike Johns, Founder of I Am Digital, “Mayor Regalado recognizes the importance of digital literacy for the people of Miami, hence the reason for this one day conference.” There was an emphasis on the proficiencies and aptitudes required across diverse platforms and work settings for the future workforce to be successful. Identifying key drivers that are projected to direct the future landscape of the digital market and workforce were also highlighted.
I Am Digital: Future of Miami Conference continued with Digital Literacy workshops held at Maverick High School and Aventura Waterways Preparatory Academy located in North Miami. Students participated in a workshop where Johns shared life lessons regarding the importance of students having a protected online presence, how to be safe online with their personal brand and image, the consequences of having bad online representation, how to approach ‘cyber bullying’, as well as demonstrating with some of his latest gadgets with wearable technology, waterproof speakers and high tech drones. For the teachers in attendance, the presentation was informative and enlightening. “It was excellent”, shared Tikia Douglas, ninth grade teacher from Maverick High School, “the kids were engaged in his presentation. I think other schools should bring his presentation to students.” The I Am Digital: Future of Miami Conference will be returning in February 2016 for additional workshops.