This week we interview Chris Demontague.  Hailing from Jamaica and Great Britain Chris is an upcoming singer making some impressive noise in musical circles all over the worldwide. His unique sound, originality & Gospel roots, combined with the amazing ability to write great songs, makes Chris one of the hottest new talents to emerge in recent years.  Here is our conversation with Chris.

Q: Tell us about your background and how did you get started singing?
A: I started singing from as long as I can remember. I use to sing at church, school, home and everywhere.

Q: Tell about your song missing you? Did you write the song? What was your inspiration to write the song?
A: Yeah, I am a songwriter too. I use different techniques to write. Some songs are inspired by experiences while other songs are written by simulated experiences where I use my imagination. “Missing You” was a simulated experience. Jerry Flowers produced the music and gave it to me to see what I could come up with. After hearing the music it gave me a sad feeling, and bam “Missing You”.

Q: You have a few singles out there. When can we expect your album to be released?
A: You can expect the album later next year.

Q: You did a cover of the song “can we talk” by Tevin Campbell. A fan on your youtube page says it was better than the original. Are you going to release this song as a single?
A: Well, it’s mainly a song for promotion. It is in regular rotation on Jamaican Radio Stations. The next singles to look out for, is the reggae single “Just the Two of US” and the Island Pop single “AM a Lucky One” (This will be out January 2012).

Q: How would you describe your sound?
A: IPRS music which is Island Pop Reggae Soul.

Q: You sing R&B and reggae and everything in between. What genre do you like best?
A: I love all the music. I really can’t put a value on the different forms of music. It depends on the mood I am in

Q: What projects are you working on right now?
A: I am putting together the IPRS album for 2012

Q: What were some of your fondest memories of performing at the Jamaica Jazz Festival?
A: Getting a great reaction from the crowd.

Q: What is your proudest moment so far?
A: Being featured on Soul Train for great music.

Q: If you were stuck on a desert island and given the choice of 2 albums to put on your iPod which artist would it be?
A: Well, I could listen to the Beatles everyday and Bob Marley.  Guess it would have to be the two. 

Q: Growing up my hero was… A movie I never get tired of watching is?
A:  Hero was Superman, and favorite movie is Scarface?

Q:  Who am I most grateful to..
A: The Living God for giving me life, my family, and fans for their support.

Thanks for the interview and all the best. Be sure to check out Chris Demontague’s website for the latest news and updated on his career.
