Jamaican Natasha Chang has been listed at Number 8 on the Yeah! Motor website ranking of the 25 Most Beautiful Race Car Drivers in the world. Born in Jamaica and proud of her Chinese heritage, her Facebook page name is Natasha “China Doll” Chang. She made an impression on the international racing world in 2006 with her participation at the Palisades International Speedway with the Jet Con Race Team. Natasha bought her first race car for her 2008 Racing Campaign: an RWD Corolla DX that she entered herself. In 2008, she won several Dexterity racing events and a Dover racing event. Natasha, 26, has a great future in racing. It is unique to find a female Asian driver from Jamaica competing on the track, and her looks and personality are sure to draw the crowds.
See our interview with Natasha Chang.