The Best Marriages Hinge On 1 Single Word

The One who created marriage loves you and I so much that He gave His only Son as a ransom. The very first time I learned this truth I was puzzled over it. I remember my grandfather teaching us this truth as we would have our nightly devotions as a family and I could not fathom why such a powerful God would do this for me.

As I grew older I came to understand the real reason God allowed Jesus, His only son, to die for you and I. I liken this truth to a story I heard of a bridge worker who opens and closes bridges to allow boats to pass through on the intracoastal waterway without crashing into the bridge. One day while operating the bridge He saw a boat approaching filled with many passengers. He had to open the bridge to allow it to pass through safely without crashing into the bridge. Little did he know at first that his only son was sitting on the edge of the bridge. He was about to open the bridge and someone yelled, “your son is sitting on the bridge edge.” He had to make a split second decision as the boat approached closely. Either saving his son by not opening the bridge or saving many people by opening it. He was faced with a very difficult decision. Although we do not know what decision he made, it is the same decision God was faced with. Either let his son die for us or save his son and let us die for our own sins. Thank God He sacrificed His only son and thank God Jesus was raised from the dead. He loves us so much that He decided to do this willingly. There was no condition to be met by us. This is true LOVE!

There is only one way to show true love and only true love will ever drive a great marriage. When Jesus died for you and your spouse he did it willingly and without asking for anything in return. There were no conditions to be met. If you want to have a great, lifelong marriage relationship like one Jesus has with us, you must allow your marriage to hinge on one decision from this one word….


When God created marriage He did not say to love and respect your perfect spouse. He just said “love and respect your spouse.” The trick of the enemy is implanted in the mind of many spouses to think that love has conditions. “I will love you if” is not love. “I will respect you if” is not respect. Love and respect are unconditional decisions we must make in our marriages as sacrificial as they are, just as God sacrificed His only son without conditions. When a husband loves his wife without conditions and the wife respects her husband without conditions, God blesses that marriage with peace, love, joy and harmony. It is a marriage enjoyed to the fullest. On the flipside, when a husband loves his wife only when the wife respects him or a wife respects her husband only when the husband loves her, this is not marriage and God’s nature does not allow Him to bless such a marriage.

Make that decision today to love and respect each other unconditionally and to please God Himself and your marriage will flourish like a well watered garden that blooms beautifully. Flip the switch and turn on the light in your marriage relationship. Confuse the plan of Satan who wants you to try to love and respect with conditions. When both husband and wife decide to love and respect without conditions, they both receive unconditional love and respect. Huddle up and live!!!!

Contact information:  Carim Hyatt’s Profile – edit (


Be encouraged as you watch our TBN video interview on marriage.

About The Author

Carim Hyatt was born and raised partially in Jamaica, West Indies.  He is one of seven children from the Hyatt family and has grown into a great man of God.  Carim had the luxury of seeing his grandparents model a Christian family life while portraying a marriage in God’s image.  Carim had his mother in his life also and learned a great deal about values and wisdom.

Carim’s passion is marriage and family. He and his wife, Michelle, are hosts of MARRIAGE IN A MINUTE, a radio talk show reaching all over the world.   He has authored two books, The importance of Salvation and Staying Married Becoming One Flesh.   His journey has taken him from Insurance adjuster to minister through writing and public speaking.  Carim leads men’s ministries, married couples lifegroups, praise and worship along with many other areas of ministry as God has led him.  Carim and his beautiful wife Michelle have appeared on Television programs , namely TBN, speaking about marriage and family.  He is a great motivator, mentor and loves the Lord with all his heart.  His passion is to see every marriage go the long haul while being molded into God’s image.

Join Carim on this great journey as He reaches the unsaved for Christ while continuing to encourage marriages and families.

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