National hockey player and Wolmer’s Head Girl Seychelle Doyley has been accepted by Harvard College in the United States, one of the most prestigious colleges in the world.  Doyley included her application to Harvard among those she submitted to universities overseas on the advice of Sandra Bramwell, her college advisor. Doyley has many people supporting her higher education goals, including her mentors Ean Ennis, Doreene Thomas, and Cynthia Scott-Campbell, all of whom expect great things from her. As Doyley has succeeded in exceeding all academic expectations, their faith in her is not misplaced.

“I would like to study anything related to Biological Studies. I am excited about the amazing, highly motived people on campus and learning from Nobel Prize-winning faculty.”, said Seychelle Doyley when she spoke to the team.

Doyley had the highest grade – Grade One – in 11 CSEC subjects. This was the highest grade possible to attain in the subjects that are administered by the Caribbean Examination Council, or CSC. She was also in the national Top 10 in four of the subjects, notably Spanish, Physics, Biology, and the Electronic Document Preparation and Management. In addition, she achieved five Grade Ones at the CAPE level and is confident that she will repeat this achievement in five other CAPE subjects in 2020. Doyley is a Head Girl at Wolmer’s and also serves as the president of the school Science Culb and Math Club. In addition to her other achievements, she is a member of Jamaica’s National Under-21 Hockey team.” I am honored that I have been accepted to Harvard and am excited to make use of the opportunity. I have not visited the campus but I’ve been on a virtual tour and have watched countless videos about life on campus.

“I would advise students to start early and allow themselves enough time to think outside the box, truly reflect and grow in the process; get professional help where possible (Versan is my top choice); be honest and don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. Be confident. At the end of the day, you’ll go where you’re meant to be”, said Seychelle, when we asked what advice she would give other students who are striving to succeed and attend an ivy league school. Doyley’s expected graduation date from Harvard is 2024.

Visit Seychelle Doyley’s GoFund Me Page and help get her to Harvard.

Jamaican Seychelle Doyley Accepted by Harvard
