Janga is the name given by Jamaicans to fresh water crayfish (shrimps). Janga can be found in many Jamaican rivers and is cooked in various ways including the famous “Jamaican Peppered Shrimp”. It is also used in Jango soup which is said to be an aphrodisiac that provides long endurance for men.


  • 3 sprig thyme
  • 2 medium cho cho (Christophine)
  • 2 Scott bonnet whole pepper
  • 1 gallon water
  • 1 lb  Janga crayfish
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil
  • 1 lb yellow yam or white yam (This is optional but it give the soup body)
  • 2 small  Irish potatoes
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 packet Maggi or Grace Chicken soup mix
  • 6 pimento grains
  • 1 stalk scallion
  • 1 small onion diced
  • Salt and black pepper to taste

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  1. Wash the Janga in vinegar and water (Lime can also be used)
  2. Remove the shell from the Janga  (Some people keep the shell until the soup is cooked however removing the shell allows for careful inspection of the meat)
  3. Boil (scald) the Janga for 4 minutes, drain the water and set aside. Discard this water.
  4. Knead the flour into dough and make dumpling and spinners. Set aside
  5. Peel  & cut yam, Irish potato and cho cho in small bite size pieces. Wash and set aside
  6. Bring the 1 gallon of water to boil in a pot
  7. Add all the ingredients except the soup mix, the Janga and Irish potato to the boiling liquid
  8. Cook for 15 minutes
  9. Stir and add the soup mix, the Janga and Irish potato
  10. Add Salt and black pepper to taste
  11. Cook for 7 minutes.  Stir the ingredients while cooking.
  12. Let it simmer until done.
  13. Add more seasoning for taste (thyme, salt, black pepper, scotch bonnet).
  14. Serve hot.
