We asked our facebook fans who would win a Jamaican food fight between Jerk Pork vs Stew Peas. Here are the results and what some of what our fans wrote. Feel free to add your own comments.

Vote count: 
Jerk Pork  –  30%
Stew Peas   –  70%

Selected Comments:

S AH – This is too easy. Stu peas ALLLLL the way!

J Newell – Jerk pork for certain with extra swine

C Morales – Jerk pork…no, stew peas…no, wait…jerk pork it is!

P Morby – Stew all the way, nice.

Y Coombs – Stew peas by far.

V Dunkley – Stew peas every time

J Asphealt – stew peas big up!

A Burke – Stew peas all the way

J Johnson – Jerk pork any time……

J Aniakwah – Stew peas please

Email us the Jamaican food fight you would like to see. Be sure to check out our facebook fan page
