JOB TITLE: Manager – Legal Services (Level 8)
LOCATION: National Works Agency, Kingston
DESCRIPTION: Advise on the general law and in particular on all matters relating to the work of the Agency (inclusive of the Main Roads Act, Land Clauses Act, Road Protection Act, among others); Prepare legal opinions for the agency and advise on its liability in particular cases and on appropriate steps to be taken to resolve any disputed matter; Liaise with other Ministries/Agencies/Departments of Government (Local authorities, Attorney General Department, Commissioner of Lands, Registrar of Titles, Registrar of Companies, Stamp Office), to discuss, give and obtain advice on matters relevant to the agency’s functions; Liaise with land owners and or their representatives in order to acquire lands slated for road works from time to time; Execute land purchase transactions inclusive of preparing Sales Agreements, Transfers and other relevant and or appropriate Legal Instruments to enable the agency to acquire all lands so earmarked for roadworks, inclusive of registration of lands purchased in the name of the Commissioner of Lands; Preparing briefs for the Attorney General’s Department in respect of actions being initiated or defended by the agency in cases of claims made against it; Advise Directorates/Departments on legal aspects of their respective functions and issues arising therein.
QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor of Laws Degree (LLB); Certificate in Legal Education; At least four (5) years experience working as an Attorney at Law with particular training in: Conveyancing and Property Law; Contracts (particular Building and Commercial)
CONTACT INFORMATION: Manager, Personnel and Industrial Relations, National Works Agency, 140 Maxfield Avenue, Kingston 10; Email: [email protected]