“One Love: The Bob Marley Musical” is a theatrical production that is based on the reggae legend’s life and music. It is slated to open in Birmingham in the United Kingdom on March 10, 2017. The production updates Kwami Kewi-Armah’s previous staging of “Marley,” which appeared in 2015 in Baltimore, Maryland, and was sanctioned by Bob Marley’s family. Writer-director Kewi-Armah incorporated favorite Marley tunes in the production, including “Exodus,” “No Woman No Cry,” and “Jamming.” Plans are in the works to bring the production to the West End in London, and even to Broadway in New York in the future. According to Bob Marley’s daughter Cedella, Birmingham is the “natural” site in the UK for the premiere because of its mix of cultures. She says her father performed in the city to audiences that were “captivated” by his message. She believes that telling his story through his music to a new Birmingham generation represents a continuation of her father’s legacy.

Photo: Bob Marley Talking Blue Album
