We have partnered with 1962 Productions Limited on their OnePeople project. OnePeople is a collaborative documentary that invites people worldwide to contribute footage to celebrate Jamaica’s global reach 50 years after independence. On August 6th, 2011 we pose the question “What does Jamaica mean to you?” with the aim that a global community of creative minded people will respond by uploading a visual representation of their answer to our website (www.onepeopledocumentary.com). We know that our tiny island nation has touched many outside of our country, even beyond our diaspora, and with this project we will embrace anyone who has ever been moved by a reggae song, enjoyed a plate of ackee and saltfish, been stirred by the words of Marcus Garvey, fell in love under a Negril sunset or simply has a point of view.
A portion of the documentary’s net profits will be used to create Jamaica’s first film fund to enable Jamaican filmmakers to tell their own stories in their own voices.
Submissions will close November 6th, 2011
OnePeople will premiere August 6th, 2012 in Miami, Toronto, New York, London and Kingston.
website: http://www.onepeopledocumentary.com
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/onepeopledoc
twitter: @onepeopledoc