The mission of Operation Restoration is to educate, nurture, mobilize and empower inner-city Jamaican youth of low social and economic status to become productive, law-abiding citizens.
The goal is to restore dignity and pride through life-enhancing experiences, educational opportunities, art and skills development.
Whilst Operation Restoration has no illusions about wiping out illiteracy, hunger, poverty and crime in these communities, it is our fervent belief that with the help from God and our benefactors we can realize our vision to: “Change the community to impact the nation and the world.”

‘Operation Restoration’ is a Christian non-profit organization founded in West Palm Beach, in Florida, in 1988 by Lorna Archer-Stanley. ‘Operation Restoration Centre’ was established in Rema, Trench Town in September 1994 in an attempt to help alleviate the violence poverty and political conflict, which exist in these inner-city communities. After operating an after-school programme for two-and-a half years the Operation Restoration Christian School (ORCS) was established.

ORCS is a remedial education school for pre-teens and young adults between 12 and 23 years who lack basic literacy and numeracy skills. This program prepares those of high school age to take the Grade Nine Achievement Test and be reintegrated into public high schools, while older students are prepared for qualifying entrance exams into the HEART programme.

Skills Training
Next to literacy the students are also trained in leather craft, dressmaking, cosmetology, computer to enable them to become self-sufficient.

Incentive Programme
In an attempt to encourage and motivate, students are rewarded with incentive points, for hard work and discipline, which they may use to redeem school supplies, clothing, toys and other valuable items.

Behavioural and emotional problems are common with a majority of students. Therefore, intervention into the lives of our many hopeless, disillusioned students is an integral component of our curriculum.

Breakfast and lunch are provided daily at a nominal charge. However, most students are unable to afford this and sponsors and donations of food are critically needed.

After School
An after school programme is conducted to assist primary school children with home work and preparation for GSAT exams. A few high school students are assisted with CXC subjects. Sponsors are also sourced for deserving high school students in need of lunch, fees and books.

Community Involvement
ORCS has had a profound impact on the wider community as it plays an integral role in helping to maintain peace as well as unifying people toward sustainable social and economic development. A former gunman was recently assisted with tuition for a computer graphic course as well as a computer he plans using to make a living. More and more youngster are being employed to fill the steady increase of orders for leather craft items from the Sandals Hotels.
Many indigent mothers and senior citizens are also assisted with bread and other food staples that are sourced for this purpose.

The Strong Women of Trench Town (SWOTT) continues to grow as it seeks to promote good values and attitudes in young women in the community. Parenting workshops is also a popular feature of SWOTT.

Staff and Volunteers
Most staff members are from the community. The impact of the programme at the local level has been far-reaching, with involvement from the members of the community, the transformation of lives and re-ordering of perspectives of those directly involved, in terms of being gainfully employed.
Their personal and professional development has begun, as they all attend evening classes.
Both teachers and other staff have become positive role models and are held in high esteem by residents, who respectfully hail them as ‘Sir’ and ‘Miss’ as they proudly walk the streets.
Volunteers also provide much needed support. Unfortunately most volunteers are from Belgium and Holland as residents from the wider society tend to stay away because of the stigma of crime and violence associated with Trench Town.

– More than 900 students have mastered literacy with varying degrees of success.
– Several former remedial students have been attending traditional high schools. Many are school prefects.
– More than 15 past students have been successful in several CXC subjects.
– Former past students are gainfully employed as secretaries, bookkeeper, swimming instructor, counsellors.
– Our pre-trained teachers are now attending/graduating from teachers college.
– Several Commendations from Jamaican and international news media.

Additional information
Operation Restoration
Lorna Stanley, JP, Founder/Principal
12c Collie Smith Dr.
Trench Town, Kingston 12
Jamaica, W.I
(876) 967-4245 (T/F)
[email protected] (montly newsletter on request)
