QUESTION: Dear Legal Wiz,
I really am being attacked by a loan shark although I migrated to the USA. I took a loan while I was in Jamaica with a new loan company. The company gave me some paperwork to go to court, and when I looked at it, the sum on the paperwork is far from what I agreed to pay, and in fact what I agreed to pay is way to high. I cant just back out but something needs to be done. What should I do to sort this huge sum out?

The best thing to do is to go to court. From research, several companies offer loans but do not have authority to be charging the huge interest sums they are charging. The Judge/Resident Magistrate has the power to reduce the sum based on numerous factors that the loan company perhaps didt take into consideration. Talk it over with an attorney where you can.
Legal Wiz


The above does not constitute legal advice. The responses are prepared and published by inhouse senior journalists after research and discussion with attorneys-at-law and other specialists, as necessary.
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