Located about five miles down an old footpath from Accompong Town in Saint Elizabeth, the Peace Cave is an enjoyable if somewhat strenuous walk into Maroon History. In 1655 faced with invasion of Jamaica by a large expeditionary force from England, the Spanish turned loose their slaves to flee into the mountains to fight the English occupiers while they fled to Cuba. One of those slaves was Kojo (Cudjoe, Kudo etc.) who, along with his brother Accompong founded a small village just on the edge of in the virtually uninhabited Cockpit Country. This village became a haven for slaves who fled the English plantations. After many years of war, a Peace Treaty between the Maroons and the English was agreed upon in 1739.
The Peace Cave is both composed of Karst limestone interior and some crystallized quartz structure near the entrance that appearing together added to the mystery and reverence the Maroons placed on its spiritual power. Today the Maroons incorporate a ceremony at the Peace Cave where they leave bottles of rum to their ancestors during the celebration of Kojo’s Birthday on January 6th of every year.
Residents of Accompong Town have been training their youth to be Tour Guides around the community and a Tour Guide can be hired to take you to the Peace Cave. The price can vary but $20 US for a guide is a reasonable cost for the trip. A tip can be added if you are satisfied with your adventure, which I am sure you will be!
Need help in planning your adventure travel while in Jamaica? Feel free to email me at the following address: [email protected]
See other articles written by Bill Evans at: http://www.jamaicans.com/tourist/jletters/index.htm#bill