‘PEPSE’ Brown ~~ “As we go we grow”
Lloyd Brown or ‘Pepse’, as he is known, has chosen this name on the premise that he is the ‘one that always pray for just about everything’. This God-ordained name as an acronym means ‘Praying Everyday Persistently Seeking Elohim’. He also jokenly added, “I am also a pepsi drinker as oppose to coke’.
This Gospel Music Award Nominee was born in Spanish Town, Jamaica. He admitted to having experienced the complexities of a hard and rough life, where he consistently saw his friends dying by the gun due to politics or just plain warfare. He attended a Christian school for ten years where he was nurtured and daily taught the morals of life. But despite his strong upbringing in the Church, Pepse became rebellious in his teens years. Thus, he traded the values and morals on which he’d been taught, consequently succumbing to a life of violence. His name during this time was changed to “speng Lloyd”. In 1996, his life took a dramatic turn after a spiritual encounter with Jesus. He was forever changed and this time it was for the best. Pepse’s walk with Christ has metamorphosed and he has never looked back. As his maxim affirms, ‘as we go we grow,” Pepse’s life came full circle – from singing in the secular dance halls to exclusively singing gospel music.
Pepse has been involved in the gospel music ministry for the last four years. He currently resides in Canada.
His debut album is entitled ‘Praise Him’ and is a musical proclamation that ‘the praise is being given to HIM’. He highlighted the diversity and versatility of sounds on his album, as illustrated by a song which was done in a (R&P) Rhythm & Praise format. He confessed that some of the songs bring back wonderful memories of his childhood. His album is already in stores across Canada, and he is currently working on another album, which is scheduled to be released in the latter part of 2008.
In response to which was his favorite song, Pepse disclosed that number (8) eight, Praise Him O Praise Him, was his favorite. He loves this song because of the simple message that speaks to him from its lyrics.
His Inspiration ~~“My inspiration in all of this, without a doubt, has been the Holy Spirit and this is based on how these songs come to me.”
Pepse began his God-given gift of song writing career at the same time he embarked on his gospel music ministry; this was four years ago. He asserted that his song writing is clearly inspired by the Holy Spirit, as this is from Whom his songs of inspiration comes from.
When he sings gospel music, Pepse noted that the enormous difference, as oppose to singing secular songs, is that you know who the praise and worship is being offered to. He persisted that the environment in which you sing also makes an incredible difference, and nothing can replace the peace of mind which comes when you know that you are praising HIM.
Pepse declared his personal goals and dreams, as it relates to music, is a global focus. He further explained that he would love to take the gospel throughout the earth, one song at a time.
His Success~~“My number one focus is reaching souls through my music and I am committed to boldly proclaiming the gospel of Christ”.
Are you successful? Pepse responds that “I know that I am successful in the sense that I am satisfied with what I have been given to do, and I do it well to the best of my ability. I also enjoy how well it operates in my life. I absolutely have no regrets.” He noted that the greatest influence on his life, to date, has been the Giver of all these songs, talents, abilities and gifts-The Living Jesus.
Pepse would like the Jamaican people to remember him as one who uncompromisingly write, sing and praise Jesus in all of his songs. He encourages and advises young Jamaican gospel artistes to realize that fame and fortune should not be the foundation of their career. He continued to lay emphasis on the fact that people and their souls should be at the fore front of their minds. Pepse calls upon the young artistes to remember Jesus’ mandate – ‘Go Ye therefore, and teach all nations’. (Matthew 28:19).
He prays and hopes that the Jamaican people will continue to support the gospel in the way that they have been doing. He says to everyone who is reading this article “You are in a place of winning. Stay Blessed”.
E-mail Pepse: [email protected] OR [email protected]
Visit Pepse’s Website: www.pepsebrown.com
You can find Pepse’s Music Cds: www.boostindepentmusic.com