Let us give thanks for all God’s goodness and the wonderful heritage into which we have entered:
Response to each petition: We give thee thanks, O God

For Jamaica, our island home, the land of our birth –

For the majesty of our hills, the beauty of our valleys, and the flaming loveliness of our gardens –

For the warmth and brightness of our days and the calm and peace of our countryside –

For the rich heritage of our people coming for many races, and yet one in purpose, in achievement, and in destiny, and for the dignity of labour and the service given by every citizen of our land –

For freedom, just laws and our democratic way of life –

For the high privilege and responsibility of Independence and for bringing us to nationhood –

For our parents, teachers, religious and other leaders and all those who in every walk of life are helping to prepare us for responsible citizenship, and for all those who are giving voluntary service in the public interest –

For the poets, artists and thinkers and all who create in us the vision of a new and better society –

For our godly heritage, the example of Jesus Christ and the sacrifices of our fathers in the faith –

