Looking for a quick vegetarian meal that you cook in less than 20 minutes? Try our “Quick Vegetable Curry”


  • Frozen vegetables (Broccoli, carrots, beans, etc)
  • 1 onion – sliced
  • 1-teaspoon salt to taste
  • 2-tablespoons cornstarch
  • ¼ cup water
  • 4-tablespoons olive oil
  • 1-teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 4 tablespoons curry

Shop Now for Jamaican recipe ingredients & seasoning in our online store.


  1. Add olive oil into a skillet and heat
  2. Add curry & mix with hot oil
  3. Add onion slices & sauté
  4. Add frozen vegetables to skillet
  5. Mix cornstarch with ¼ cup water until a paste is formed
  6. Add cornstarch paste into skillet until lightly thickened.
  7. Cook for 10 minutes then serve
