This hair regimen is for relaxed hair, as I am constantly reminded relaxed hair is weaker than natural hair and needs extra care and attention. This is a typical regimen, as usual it is just a guide for persons who may not have a regimen. Feel free to tweak the information here at will.

Post Relaxer- 4-6 weeks


Shampoo hair every week using organic shampoo. The week after the relaxer add a drop or two of rosemary or lavender oil and a teaspoon of olive oil or coconut oil to your   shampoo. The hair needs some extra moisture as it went through a process that can be drying to hair. Try not to use shampoos with sulfates in them. If you have no other choice but to use a sulfate laden shampoo, oil your scalp and hair shaft with olive, coconut or castor oil the night before you wash.


Use a deep conditioner that has both protein and moisture combo. Persons ask me to recommend products all the time where this is concerned. However, I feel that whatever your hair likes you should stick to it. Most persons have an idea of what deep conditioner works best for their particular hair after several trial and error sessions.

Deep Condition with added egg as a protein on the fourth week. Try to do this once per month until you relax your hair again. However, if your hair does not need it, don’t try it. I misread my hair the other day and deep conditioned with protein and it took two weeks to feel normal and moisturized again.

Moisturize your hair as often as it is needed. If ends feel dried out and fried, you can use a cream based moisturizer like ORS Carrot Oil or something else that has water as a first ingredient.

Avoid Heat, try to use it only once per month, if it all. Especially avoid it when your hair is newly relaxed. Applying heat to hair is actually adding a new process to your strands. You will see added volume and bounce to relaxed hair when you avoid heat and only use it sparsely. Try to air-dry hair when possible.

Post Relaxer- 6-12 weeks and beyond.

This is transitioning territory for some people, the new growth is coming in and you have to adjust the way you treat your hair at this time because you have two textures.


It is a good time to pre-shampoo. This is in an effort to make your hair softer overall. Check out some of the pre-shampoo recipes on this site:

Thin Edges Honey Pre-Shampoo Recipe

Pre-Shampoo Treatment for Shedding Hair

Thursday Night Hot Oil Cocktail

The key to pre-poo is to basically  use any combination of carrier oil with an essence oil or if you do not have any essence oils use a carrier oil, heat it up and apply overnight. My personal favorite is Thursday Night Hot Oil Cocktail because I use it, or a variation of it, to pre-poo my hair on a regular basis. Additionally, you can add a carrier oil to your favorite conditioner and let it sit on your hair overnight.

Shampoo: This is the time to use a non-drying shampoo. Use baking soda for a week or two and wash your hair. I recommend doing this only after a pre-poo (if your hair is dry) for best results.

Condition: You can get fancy with your ordinary conditioner and add your favorite carrier oil (about 3 teaspoons, you don’t want your hair to be too greasy) , along with an essence oil and co-wash your every three days, especially if you exercise and sweat in your hair.

Deep Condition: your hair every week when you are this far post-relaxer. Deep condition after every shampoo. You can deep condition your hair without using store bought products. Check out:

Coconut and Yogurt Conditioner For Transitioning Hair

Tutti Frutti Deep Conditioner Recipe

Otherwise use the conditioner that works best for you, you can add your favorite oils for added moisture or add egg, yogurt or molasses for added protein to your regular deep conditioner.

Moisturizers: Do not let your hair get dry and frizzy. Use a water based liquid moisturizer at this time and then seal with a wee bit of carrier oil. Some good spray moisturizers are S-curl activator (add a little fragrant oil if you can’t stand the smell) and Ultra Black Hair Silky Spray Moisturizer.

Or better yet make your own. These days I use a hair rinse (like mint) added to glycerine and then seal with carrier oil. Here are two moisturizing recipes that you can use to refresh your hair:

Rosemary and Lavender Moisturizer For Hair

Basic Homemade Leave In Conditioner and Hair Moisturizer

Stay Away From Heat at this time. Try to air dry as much as possible at this time.

Products on the Black List for Relaxed Hair: Any product that contains alcohol, any shampoo that contains harsh chemicals, and any hair oil that contains petroleum/petrolatum or mineral oil, synthetic hair dyes.
