QUESTION: Dear Legal Wiz

I am really hoping you can help me (or point me in the right direction to get some help) and my family with our enquiry regarding claiming back land from the crown.

You see both great grandparents had large amount of land which we believe has gone back to the crown under the Bona Vacantia act, and we have no idea how to check as we donât have any land title or Volume or Folio number.

Could a search be carried out by name only? We know their names and date of birth and death, can anybody help us. I would of though the land agency would have names of all land owners without having to know or have land title or Volume or Folio number.

Any help will be most grateful


RESPONSE: Dear Danni,

It seems you are trying to secure assistance in locating any title that may be in existence. The information you need to provide would be possible names on the title, any tax valuation number, the address, landmarks. The team would charge you a small fee to do the research additionally.

Legal Wiz


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