Peter reluctantly agreed to let Jesus wash his feet, but only after Jesus responded to his persistent objections with the rather startling statement: “If I don’t wash you, you can’t be part of what I’m doing.” (John 13:8, The Message). To the irascible fisherman that was unthinkable and so he relented: “Master! . . . Not only my feet, then. Wash my hands! Wash my head!” (v. 9). In other words, do whatever is necessary for me to remain a part of what you are doing! In that moment, Peter surrendered his will for that of his Master.

Before that, what Peter thought and wanted did not line up with Christ’s purpose. And of course, this was not the first or the last time we see this difference between the two (see Matthew 16:21-23), for example).  However, in Peter’s initial insistence in wanting Christ to do things his way, we see ourselves, in part, for who we really are.  Like Peter, we see things from a human point of view instead of from God’s.  We want to follow Christ, but on our terms.  We want to worship, but on our terms.  We want to pray, but on our terms.  On Peter’s part, until he came face-to-face with the reality that his desires and Christ’s will were not the same, he was not prepared to give an inch of ground. With a resolve strengthened by strong feelings of disapproval, he made it clear: “You’re not going to wash my feet—ever!” (v. 8).  The created dictating to the Creator; the disciple instructing the Teacher; the servant standing opposed to his Lord and Master.

Our relationship with Christ is one in which He sets the terms for the relationship. Yet, how many times have we tried to “manipulate” Him into doing things our way?  Scripture reminds us, “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails” (Proverbs 19:21, NIV). In that tense moment in the upper room, Jesus spoke words that not only resonated then but continue to resonate over two thousand years later: “If I don’t wash you, you can’t be part of what I’m doing.” In other words, “Peter, I hear your objections and I understand the reasoning behind them, but this is bigger than you.  In fact, it is not even about you. You do not understand what I am doing now, but I am here to do the will of God and if you are going to be a part of what I am doing, you are going have to do it my way. You choose!”  And we know how Peter chose.

What are your objections to Christ doing what He must do with you, in you, and through you to accomplish God’s purposes in the earth and in your life?  Like it or not, if Christ is Lord and Master there is no other way but His; the echo of His words still rings true: “If I don’t . . . you can’t.”  If you listen closely, you will hear Him speaking to you.  Will you let Him?



  • Colin Wilson

    Easy going, dislike negativity, and an optimist. I believe that amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday living, each day is a gift from God and if we stop and think about it, there is at least one thing for which we ought to be thankful. In addition, I believe that every day is a great day to be alive. No matter how bad we think we have it, there are any number of people who are on the "other side" who, if they could, would gladly trade places with us. Email me at [email protected]

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