The favorite Christmas beverage of Jamaicans is the delicious sorrel. Many of you may know red sorrel but did you know there is white sorrel too. Using white sorrel you have the option to add food coloring to the drink and surprise your guests. Create sorrel in your favorite colors this Christmas season.


  • 1 pound white sorrel
  • 2-4 oz. ginger
  • 2 quarts water
  • sugar
  • wine (optional)
  • food coloring (optional)
  • 8-12 pimento grains


  1. Wash sorrel thoroughly, using the fingers to lift it from the water.
  2. Put into stainless steel container.
  3. Scrape and wash ginger. Grate and add to the sorrel. Add pimento grains.
  4. Boil water and pour over sorrel.
  5. Allow to stand 4-6 hours. Strain.
  6. Sweeten to taste and add rum to taste.
  7. Optional: Add your favorite food coloring.
  8. Add optional wine.
  9. Serve with ice cubes.

