Lady Allen Encourages Men to Support Women in National Fibroids Awareness Week

Lady Allen, who has joined Caribbean Woman in observing National Fibroids Awareness Week, is calling attention to this condition and efforts to provide support for the women afflicted with it. Uterine fibroids, known as “growth” in Jamaica, are a common, unpreventable ailment that affects women of African descent. The condition can be found among women of all ages, with between 20 percent and 80 percent of ethnic women developing fibroids by the age of 50. Jamaican women, in particular, are predisposed to the illness, and high numbers of them are affected. A diagnosis of fibroids can have a negative effect on a woman’s self-confidence, cause intense pain, and affect intimacy in her relationship. Lady Allen is calling for men to be more understanding and caring towards their spouses in regard to this condition and for families to offer more support to women experiencing the effects of fibroids. Although the condition cannot be preventive, Lady Allen urged women to take care of their health through proper nutrition, appropriate body mass index, and regular exercise. She emphasized that the illness does not define a woman, but her courage and strength does. The “Caribbean Woman Addressing Uterine Fibroids” campaign is based on three elements: get informed, take control, and tell a friend. The campaign represents a valuable resource for helping Jamaican women take heart in the fight for holistic wellness.