Dr. Oliver Jones, is the co-founding CEO of The Diaspora Health Group, and its Political Action Committee(Super PAC). He is a currenta resident of Virginia. Jones’has a doctorate is in Organizational Leadership focused on “Reclaiming, Building, and Expanding” the legacy of Diaspora Wealth established by the original diaspora -Marcus Garvey 100 years ago (1919 – 1926). Jones completed the Global Energy Program at Harvard Business School and is Chairman of Source Energy Group. As Senior Economic Professor and as Department Chair at Hampton University, The Center for Applied Economics and Entrepreneurship contributed to the formation of Hampton’s – Caribbean Center for Health and Economic Research. In 2017, Jones acquired Arion Asia Holdings, a Caribbean Based Segregated Portfolio Private Equity Corporation. Additionally, Jones developed a process “Caribbean Wealth through Health” initiative. In 2019 Jones launched Source Energy Fund and US Based – Source Energy Capital to support the Green Infrastructure Initiatives. He was also awarded NASA Patented “MERRA” Technology to launch a “Global Delivery System” to service the Caribbean. He is a Glenmuir High Class of 87, Alcan and Coca-Cola scholar at Prairie View A&M University, Texas and holds a Syracuse University MBA. Jones also served on several advisory positions and non-profit boards across the world, including NASA, US Dept. Energy, &President Obamas’ Federal Knowledge Advisory Group.

What is your connection to Jamaica? Have you been involved in the Jamaica Diaspora Movement or Jamaican related organizations before?

I never really left Jamaica, our family firm, Southern Engineering, Builders and Contractors, is still active since 1987. Over the last 20 years I have been involved in a number of initiatives including Agriculture, Trade, Energy, and Technology sector

I live and breathe @Global_Jamaica – Energy, Technology, Community and Education. In 2006 I create a Community Resource Center in my hometown Scotts Pass / Clarendon Park.

I moved to Virginia, the Genesis of the Jamaica Diaspora impact on African American experience, where Marcus Garvey and Booker T Washington shone the light on using Entrepreneurship and Education and the vehicle for economic advancement. At Hampton University, we established The Center for Caribbean Health and Economic Research and launched the first annual Caribbean Health Summit in 2019.

Consistent with Marcus Garvey Intentions in 1926 when he bought and renamed Liberty University in Virginia, to drive Education and entrepreneurship, I established The Institute for Local Innovations Hampton Roads to achieve the same outcome. To date, there are over 200 youths building on their innovative ideas. We also successfully secure NASA patented technologies for the young entrepreneurs.

I also successfully secured NASA Satellite and Big Data technology to develop disaster recovery and resilience to cover 7000+ Islands Caribbean Region. I am also engaged with Global Tourism and Crisis Resilience Center is Jamaica.

I was a panel guest at the 2019 Diaspora Summit, presenting on Emerging Technologies. I am now building Decentralized Health network for Global Jamaica Diaspora. Any Jamaican have access to any Jamaican Doctor. Anywhere, Anytime

I have been associated with American Friends of Jamaica, and more recently Jamaica National DMV.

If elected what will be your main goal in this role for your constituencies?

The Jamaican Diaspora has to potential be the wealthiest immigrant group in the USA. My goal is to implement mechanism that promotes self reliance – Access Capital / Money, Wellness,

Our Collective Purpose – “we must know beforehand, the presence of our existence” – We are the Ambassadors of the Cultural Superpower

Many in the Jamaican community abroad don’t know much about the Jamaica Diaspora movement and its goals. What will you do to change this perception and get all Jamaicans in the Diaspora involved?

I am emulating the model Marcus Garvey Model that he implemented 100 years. Jamaica is a cultural Superpower. Our Music, Art and Entertainment, our food, our land. Our People: Culture, Diversity, Diaspora Influence have all contributed.

The missing link is our collective Economic Power that like Marcus did in his 7 years in the US. There is almost 1 Million Jamaicans / generations in the Northeast. for example put $10 together from 1 Million People give you USD10 Million Investment.

Our Collective Economic Power – Jamaican progress anywhere we go. But we are doing this in silos. Marcus Garvey spent 7 years in the US and build an Economic Fortress using Crowd Source funding methods centered around a unified purpose. I plan to establish The Diaspora Partner Draw Fund with Jamaica Stock. A former Caneman, or Jerkchicken Lady can now own a food truck. Collectively we can own solar farms and LNG Plants.

Revolution Wealth: Economic Power Generated with the Global Jamaica Diaspora Community for the Community

Recently there have been some who have expressed concerns about not having a voice and too much government involvement in the new The Global Jamaica Diaspora Council format that is being adopted. Do you have any thoughts on this?

The Global Jamaica Diaspora Council should be one component Global Jamaica Diaspora activities. We should be advising government about the plethora of work. There are 7 mediums of Influence for the Global Jamaica Diaspora.

1. Belief System: Respect; Liberty – Mind, Spirit, Body

2. Communities: We positively influence the communities in which we live. We integrate world class decentralized health network – Blockchain

3. Education: We continue to push for the qualifications earned in Jamaica to be recognized in the US.

4. Government: We Use the Diaspora Political Action Committee (Super-Pac) to influence friendly diaspora legislation – Federal, National, Local; We also advise Jamaican Gov vis

5. Art & Entertainment – We are a Cultural Superpower because of ability to use Music, Fashion. Food, Sports as a platform. There are aspects of this area still to be explored, like Diaspora Gospel, Diaspora Dancehall, Diaspora Duppy Bands, Push Cart Derbies etc. , Poetry and Arts

6. Media: We can dominate by coordinating

7. Economics: Wealth Building – Diaspora Partner Draw Fund to be hosted on the Jamaica Stock Exchange. Taking the traditions we are accustomed to and build our traditions. Diaspora can start to buy back Jamaica Energy Grid. Take care of our people – “Health to Wealth”

Is there a cohesive goal for the Jamaican Diaspora that people can rally around?

Self-Reliant – Health to Wealth.

I want to build a health network designed for ALL 6 Million Jamaicans, at home and abroad. By linking a Jamaicans to a system,with real benefits, interoperable medical records, telemed connection our Jamaican doctors wherever that are in the world. We have that one thread that connects us all. My Fellow Colleagues like Dr. Robert Clark communicates frequently on this subject.
I also created the Diaspora Health Political Action Committee, designed to sponsor any political agenda, legislation, whether Federal or local ordinance throughout the North East.
I will also focus on developing capital access for Entrepreneurs us the Self Reliant the “Diaspora Partner Draw Fund” – Hosted on the Jamaica Stock Exchange. Capital by the People, for the people.

Thanks for your time and all the best in the election. Do you have any closing thoughts?
The time has come to  build Jamaica into its true penitential – Superpower

Follow Dr. Oliver Jones


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Linkedin: Dr. Oliver Jones. 
