The political leaders of Caribbean nations, especially, Bruce Golding and others in Jamaica (both JLP and PNP) must begin to change their levels of thinking as they relate to governing. The leadership styles continue to kindle the flames of lawlessness and civil disobedience in the island. Bruce Golding must stop the perception that criminals are cuddled by lawmakers. Bruce Golding and others, including Portia Simpson, must begin to teach some citizens who are ill-informed that it is the inalienable right of every citizen to vote for any political party that individual chooses.
For too long violence and disrespect of the country’s laws have been perpetrated because our political leaders by their words and/or their deeds have encouraged such actions. The many law-abiding citizens of Jamaica who want to live in peace and enjoy their prosperity cannot do so without great fear of losing their lives, their children’s lives, and their friends’ lives or encounter other acts of crimes against them.
It is time for our leaders (JLP and PNP) to demonstrate that aiding and abetting criminals is not a law of the country. It is time for our leaders (JLP and PNP) to focus on the ills which afflict the country and fix them. The poverty and inadequacies which exist in Jamaica are life issues which should be comprehensively addressed by the leaders of both major political parties (JLP and PNP). These leaders must turn away from the governing styles of the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s. The situations that existed during the leaderships of Bustamante, Manley, Sangster, Shearer, Manley, Seaga, Patterson, and Simpson must not continue.
Times have changed globally, we are in the internet age, so why is it that our current leaders in Jamaica are still stuck in the era of counter productiveness. As a nation we have made tremendous strides in many sectors. We have improved our educational institutions and also increased them in reasonable numbers. We have improved our basic infrastructure (roads, utilities, and communications), our commerce, and our relationships with other nations. However, there is a lot more work that needs to be done.
The work that needs to be done will take the efforts of all Jamaicans at home and abroad. These efforts need the spirit of unity and trust of our fellow Jamaican brothers and sisters in order for them to be effective. The effectiveness of unity and trust cannot be achieved by continuing partisan politics as it exists in Jamaica. Unity and trust cannot be attained if we disrespect the civil rights of another person. Unity and trust will not be garnered if we rob, rape, murder, extort, and malign the lives of other citizens.
I am using this forum to express some of my concerns about my beloved Jamaica. I hope that others will express their concerns also. I believe that it is by demonstrating our will to incite change that change happens.
One Love, Let’s Come Together and be Allright.
Karl Haughton
P.S.: I was prompted to write my note after reading an article in the online version of the Jamaica Gleaner titled: Bruce Golding puzzled by graffiti campaign in West Kingston