This coffee table book strikes at the core of Jamaica’s church history. The houses of God featured in AMEN represent denominations that were present on the island prior to the emancipation of slavery. 112 churches and one synagogue are included it and unfolds the history of the early leaders of these denominations. All net proceeds from the sale of this edition will be used for church restoration projects and to help further develop the faith based niche market of the tourism sector.
“Jamaica has been and continues to be an open tapestry of expression for the varied forms of religious representations. These religious representations, deep rooted in Jamaican culture, are to be respected. It is said that Jamaica has more churches per square mile than anywhere else in the world. This is evidenced when you drive around the island and witness the number of churches in towns, as well as those that dot the countryside.
Undoubtedly, the majority of churches erected during the seventeenth to eighteenth century were built on the foundation of the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Moravian, Baptist, Methodist/Wesleyan and Presbyterian/United denominations. Many of these churches are embedded in the island’s history. Some are more architecturally beautiful than others, but all have a story to tell.”
I have gone through your book and it is fabulous! I have shared with my family and friends and it is a true labour of love. It is from the heart and I HAVE LEARNT SOOOOO MUCH FROM IT. I did not know we had 22 parishes and I learnt a lot of things I did not know about Jamaica. I love history and it has so much. Reading it has also made me realize that Jamaica was truly formed and shaped from religion! To God be the Glory. (A Nunez)
This is a real treasure trove. I have always been fascinated by the history of our churches and the magnificence of the architecture. You have managed to capture both perspectives in an excellent publication. It is one of the best gifts I could ever give. (S. Blake)
Jacqueline Young is the CEO of a pharmaceutical industry company, a former airline executive and an award winning freelance photographer. Her fascination with the beautiful churches in Jamaica has culminated in this inspired work.