About the Book:
For more than a decade, Joelle Cohen Wright, wrote hilarious Jamaican interpretations of major news stories and current events have been entertaining readers across the globe. Joelle will be the first to admit that she has the ability to see humor in every aspect of life. Her comedic writings have been ‘viral’ in e-mails and on the Internet for several years. What is fascinating about this is, very few readers knew the “face” or the name behind the stories and sketches. You see, Joelle’s writings were circulated anonymously. Those who knew her personally repeatedly told her, “You should really write a book”, and that she did.

A diverse writer of poems, short sketches, and parodies, Joelle, set out on a journey to write her first collection of character – driven sketches, written in a playwright format, entitled, “A Soh Wi Do It!” The book portrays the humorous, assertive and sometimes contentious personalities of Jamaicans, using expressions and mannerisms intrinsic to the culture of Jamaica.

This book is especially geared to”Yaadies” who love a good laugh and those who understand and can appreciate Jamaica’s rich cultural traditions, ethnic diversity and community dynamics. This book features four different sections (series): Mix Up and Blenda Series, The GPS Navigation Series, The Dread’s Response Series, and Yaad Fowl and Farrin Fowl Series. The stories are set in Jamaica at specific events written with all the elements of Jamaican patois expressions that produce a dramatic, engaging and comical outcome.



“Hysterically funny! – I just bought this book, my first by Joelle Cohen Wright. As a fellow J’American (i.e. born & bred in Jamaica and now living here in America), I knew I wanted to read it when I heard about it on the web. I could not stop laughing, tears were rolling down my cheeks, my sides were splitting! Joelle writes in such a way that you can actually visualize the scenes, and having been a participant in some similar instances during my years in Jamaica, it is all the more realistic to me. Brings back memories and more. I highly recommend this book to all the J’Americans out there, genuinely funny, in a way we “Yardies” can truly appreciate! ” – Levy Allen

“I had the pleasure of meeting Joelle many years ago, and has maintained a friendship with her.Been told about her book I knew right away I had to buy a copy,I laugh out loud with tears running down my face from the beginning to the end,Growing up in Jamaica made it so easy to mentally played out all the scenes.
Looking forward to reading her second copy in the near future.Come on Jamaicans..get a copy now…A SOH WI DO IT…great book.”— Eslin Lynch

“Downright yard style HILLARIOUS!!!!  I couldn’t put it down.The first sketch grabbed me, and before I got to the second paragraph I was rolling uncontrollably with laughter. Let me tell you, all sorts of images ran through my mind.  I began to relive memories and recall adults in conversation from my youth growing up in Jamaica. “Mi laugh till mi belly hat mi!!” No regrets. This is a must have for your collection! ” – Karen Lee

About the Author:
Joelle grew up in Kingston, Jamaica and is an author of character-driven Jamaican sketch comedy. Her love for comedy writing has led her to ‘Jamaicanize’ many news stories and events that have been ‘viral’ on the Internet for several years. Her work has been featured on the Jamaicans.com forums for over 13 years and enjoyed by many around the world. A Soh Wi Do It! is her first collection of sketch stories. Joelle holds a post graduate degree from the University of Maryland, University College, MD. To learn more about Joelle, and to details of he book events, visit her web site at http://www.ackeepodpublishing.com/

Where to buy the book:
This book is now available from Amazon.com and Barnesandnoble.com.
