Stephen Thompson’s brave story centres on the plight of Gabriel Powers, a man who finds himself in a hostel for addicts after the most frightening flight from Hackney and the world of crime he grew up in. For Gabriel to come to terms with his addiction, he must first confront his demons, and although his hostel worker and lover Marcia is there to help him, the journey to back to the wastelands of West London is harrowingly and brilliantly recreated. Painful, acutely honest and based on the author’s own experiences, Toy Soldiers is a fine and brave debut by a brilliant new voice.
“Accessibly psychological, gripping and just on the right side of confrontational” i-D
“Beautifully written, painfully honest and deeply affecting” Hanif Kureishi
“Sensitive, subtle and fascinating” The Times
“A compelling urban tale, gritty yet filled with inspired prose and characters you can reach out and touch” Courttia Newland
“A gem of a book that all too many can relate to” Pride
Stephen Thompson was born in London but grew up in Jamaica. He now divides his time between Paris and London. As well novels, he also writes screenplays and stage plays and is a literary critic and magazine editor.
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